Monday, July 14, 2008


Last night we had SNAC ( Sunday Night After Church) at our house. Fred grilled burgers; we had " Shackelford dip" ( cream cheese and rotel), brownies, and Turkish Delight ( I have lots left if anyone is interested). It was a lot of fun. However, nobody swam. Not even a toe got wet. I don't know if it was too cold ( I think not), or if swimming has lost its lure since we are in the middle of July. But we did have a lot of fun playing with the Wii. Tori and Lee brought Jack and Clayton home from Paris with them to spend a week with us. Clayton came right in and told everyone that he had brought Mario Cart. They hooked it up and he challenged several guys in the game. Quite a few got beat by the 4 year old.

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